Thursday, June 12, 2014

English Students

When I was in Saigon I would sit in the park across from my hotel and always get mobbed by university students who wanted to practice their English.  Well it was a little tough because you would get one, two, three....10 or more students at one time talking.  They were very polite to each other, and would ask the same questions again and again...and it became a little tiring.

I also invited for dinner or a drink which was a little more interesting...but still I felt I had to avoid these darn students because they were so hungry for your time.

In Hanoi the same thing happened at the lake by my would talk to one student and then a whole bunch of them would show up ;)

Well during my second visit to Hanoi I realized that a few hours every day talking to students was a small way to give back to Vietnam.  And I really started to enjoy speaking with these enthusiastic and positive younger people.  So I made it my regular routine every day....
Who can resist people who are yearning to learn about the world??
The short girl was a natural and was going to be an English teacher

Looking back I wish I had spent more time speaking with the students.  These two friends were super friendly

V for success in the world
May the hotel night manager and her 16 year old sister Thuy

Thuy was the sweetest of all the students.  Just a kid but really determined to do her best

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